sábado, 12 de setembro de 2020

Balance the Chakras

A body with balanced chakras feels solid and stable  You will feel joy, compassion, love, gratitude, and peaceful, each having its importance and area of control. 


1. Colours
Allow your own intuition to guide you in choosing what colours to wear. Our energy centres all have a particular frequency that resonates with certain colours that carry a similar frequency. For example if you are not feeling secure or grounded, maybe your root Chakra is not in balance with the rest of your energy centres. Maybe during this time you may feel drawn to wearing red. Whether that be outer clothes or underwear, this will help filter the colour that you need to help readdress the balance of the energy centre.

2. Food 
Adjust your diet to take in more food of the same colour of the Chakra you are trying to balance. Using the root chakra as an example once again, try adding more red coloured foods to your diet i.e., tomatoes, radishes, water melons, peppers, pomegranates.

3. Sound 
Just as colour has a frequency, so too does sound. Our energy centres resonate to specific musical notes.

4. Toning
We can also use our own voice to create tones to stimulate and balance the energy centres. Place both hands on the energy centre that feels out of balance, then begin to sound your deepest possible tone, gradually getting higher in pitch. You will intuitively know which pitch is correct for you, as you will begin to feel the centre feeling lighter and responding to that tone. Use this tone throughout the day/week until you feel more balanced.

5. Essential oils 
Essential oils also resonate at a particular frequency and can be used to balance chakras. They can be applied directly or by inhaling. (Please ensure if applying directly to the skin that they have been diluted sufficiently with a suitable carrier oil.)

6. Visualization
Visualization is quite possibly the most powerful tool of all. Sitting in meditation, visualise drawing energy up from the centre of the earth and cleansing each energy centre, with the relevant colour, sound and frequency.

quinta-feira, 14 de maio de 2020

Vibrators yes or No?

Vibrators should not be used to massage anyone's Yoni, this is an act of vandalism with the female body, it is violence against the body and against the soul.

You can talk about scientific bases, whatever else you want, but if massage with your hands is not capable of giving pleasure, of healing, of freeing the person from trauma, of fears and giving back their physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health , I'm sorry, but the use of a vibrator is simply unnatural.

Do you have women who like it?

Yes, there are a few women who see no problem with being massaged and using a vibrator, but she will have some problems with her Yoni in the medium and long term. More problems than you already have.

According to Therapist Paula Fernanda, who is a Sex Therapist with an approach to Tantra and Somatic Sex Education, the use of Vibrators, more specifically Bullets, can cause serious damage to Yoni.

Vulva needs 500 ml of blood to be swollen. The more blood you have on your vulva, the greater your pleasure...


Não se deve  usar vibradores para massagear a Yoni de ninguém, isso é ato de vandalismo com o corpo feminino, é uma violência contra o corpo e contra a alma.

Pode falar de bases cientificas, do que mais quiser, mas se a massagem com as mãos não é capaz de dar prazer, de curar, de libertar a pessoa de traumas, de medos e devolver a ela sua saúde física, mental, emocional e espiritual, sinto muito, mas o uso de vibrador é simplesmente  anti - natural. 

Tem mulheres que gostam?

Sim, tem algumas poucas mulheres que não vê nenhum problema em ser massageada e usar um vibrador, mas ela terá alguns problemas na sua Yoni a médio e longo prazo. Mais problemas do que já tem.

Segundo a Terapeuta Paula Fernanda, que é Terapeuta Sexual com abordagem no Tantra e na Educação Sexual Somática, o uso de Vibradores mais especificamente os Bullets, podem trazer sérios danos a Yoni.

´´No Início eles podem parecer o máximo, levam você a ter orgasmos fantásticos, pois estimulam o clitóris de uma forma diferente, mas após oito meses, um ano, você terá que intensificar o uso do vibrador, terá que colocar mais pressão e logo vai perder a sensibilidade. O seu parceiro nunca alcançara a potencia do vibrador e você não conseguirá mais ter prazer com penetração.

A Vulva necessita de 500 ml de sangue para ficar entumescida. Quanto mais irrigação de sangue você tem na sua vulva, maior o teu prazer. E se você estimular apenas o Clitóris, essa irrigação não será suficiente e você esta se desconectando de todas as outras sensações.´´

quarta-feira, 8 de abril de 2020

Massage Therapy Boost Immune System

People looking to fend off cold and flu as the winter months arrive should speak to a massage therapist about prevention strategies. Regular massages have been shown to make the immune system stronger, according to studies.

“Researchers working with patients with compromised immune systems have found massage therapy can improve how the immune system functions,” said Jeff Smoot, 2015 President of the American Massage Therapy Association (AMTA). “Those same benefits can translate to people seeking to fight off the common cold, flu and other seasonal illnesses.”

Massage therapy increases the activity level of the body’s white blood cells that work to combat viruses. According to research from Cedars-Sinai, participants in a Swedish massage group experienced significant changes in lymphocytes, which play a large role in defending the body from disease. A lymphocyte is one of the three subtypes of white blood cells in the immune system.

Remember, only receive massage therapy when you’re healthy.

What the Research Says

In a controlled study composed of HIV-positive adolescents, participants who received massage therapy showed enhanced immune function by the end of the 12-week study. The immune changes included increased white blood cells knowns as natural killer (NK) cells, which provide rapid responses to viral-infected cells.

An additional randomized study found women with stage 1 and 2 breast cancer may benefit from massage therapy for enhancing dopamine and serotonin while also increasing NK cell number and lymphocytes. Immediate massage benefits included reduced anxiety while the long-term impact increased serotonin values, natural killer cell numbers and lymphocytes, which work to strengthen the immune system and cognitive function during sickness.

quarta-feira, 25 de março de 2020

sacret temple

The word Yoni is Sanskrit for "sacred space" and we find that this is only word that really sums up what this space really is When we are connected to our most sacred space, we are connected to the deepest part of ourselves. We have self love and we respect ourselves. We see this space as our most sacred space and we welcome only those who are worthy into this sacred temple.
To live connected to the yoni is to be connected to the Divine Feminine.